“Jackass Forever” Review
Johnny Knoxville tries to pay homage to Icarus by being shot out of a cannon in “Jackass Forever,” the latest film in the long-running comedy franchise.
As far as my film tastes go, I love a lot of the films that are considered “high art.” Whenever Oscar season rolls around, I am pumped to see what films are going for the golden statues. But then there’s the mindless stuff. The films that are hard to defend but I just love to watch. “Jackass Forever” is definitely mindless with nothing but painful stunts and hilarious slapstick for an hour-and-a-half. And I had such a good time watching this film in a crowded theater.
Like the other films and the television show that spawned them, Johnny Knoxville and his rag-tag group of friends do dangerous and creative stunts for laughs. But underneath, there is a recurring theme of time as we see Knoxville and the rest of the “Jackass” crew reflect on their ages before pummeling each other.
If you know anything about “Jackass” and like the series and the films, then you will probably enjoy this film. The stunts may be more over-the-top and more creative, but it’s still the same group alongside some newcomers putting their bodies in harm’s way for our amusement.
For newcomers or skeptics, the first ten minutes of “Jackass Forever” are a pretty good indicator if you’re going to enjoy this. It’s completely understandable if this kind of comedy isn’t for you. This film may be stupid and mindless, but it’s great slapstick and it never pretends to be something that it’s not.
If you’ve been a fan since the beginning, then you will be impressed with the ambitious stunt work on display. Giant cannons, huge water slides and grizzly bears are among the stars of this picture that don’t wind up in the credits. If this makes you curious to check out the film, then that’s all you need to know.
There are few films that physically understand comedy like “Jackass” because, at its heart, comedy is pain plus timing. While other, more plot-driven, comedies may fake slapstick, there’s no denying that these people are actually in pain which makes the humor all the more enjoyable.
While it’s good to know that they are professionals, as the film’s opening disclaimer explains, there’s still this thought in the back of my head that they could seriously get hurt. As hilarious as the slapstick in “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” or “Dumb and Dumber” is, seeing a more realistic version is just going to be more funny.
For those of you who are extremely jealous of Machine Gun Kelly for dating Megan Fox, “Jackass Forever” will give you a lot of catharsis. Alongside the main cast, comedian Eric André and musicians Machine Gun Kelly and Tyler, The Creator all take part in the stunts and their pain is hilarious. As many viewers of “Jackass” have remarked, better you than me.
What really stuck out to me in this film was the comradery. Despite the fact that these people are inflicting pain upon each other, they’re all good friends and that continuously shines through. They hold each other’s hands through some of the more unnerving incidents and they are always there with a hug after a painful stunt which is actually kind of touching.
At the end of the day, “Jackass Forever” is the perfect film for a bunch of your dumbass buddies to see in a theater and laugh. If this is the final film in the franchise, I can’t tell whether my tears are from sadness or laughing so hard that I can’t speak.