Top 100 Films

Why Top 100?

I love movies so much that it’s actually impossible for me to pick my favorite. I can’t even pick the top 20. However, I have narrowed down my 100 favorite films that I recommend everyone watch. The films are diverse in terms of filmmakers, time period and country of origin.

Top 100 Films:

  1. Seven Samurai (1954) Director: Akira Kurosawa

  2. Fitzcaraldo (1982) Director: Werner Herzog

  3. The Gold Rush (1925) Director: Charlie Chaplin

  4. Day For Night (1973) Director: François Truffaut

  5. Cinema Paradiso (1988) Director: Giuseppe Tornatore

  6. The Seventh Seal (1957) Director: Ingmar Bergman

  7. 8½ (1963) Director: Federico Fellini

  8. City of God (2002) Directors: Fernando Meirelles and Katia Lund

  9. Oldboy (2003) Director: Park Chan-wook

  10. Nosferatu (1922) Director: F.W. Murnau

  11. The Artist (2011) Director: Michel Hazanzvicius

  12. The General (1926) Directors: Buster Keaton and Clyde Bruckman

  13. Parasite (2019) Director: Bong Joon-ho

  14. Pan’s Labyrinth (2006) Director Guillermo Del Toro

  15. Battleship Potemkin (1925) Director: Sergei Eisenstein

  16. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920) Director: Robert Wiene

  17. Breathless (1960) Director: Jean-Luc Godard

  18. M (1931) Director: Fritz Lang

  19. The Lodger (1927) Director: Alfred Hitchcock

  20. American Graffiti (1973) Director: George Lucas

  21. The Godfather (1972) Director: Francis Ford Coppola

  22. Taxi Driver (1976) Director: Martin Scorsese

  23. Jaws (1975) Director: Steven Speilberg

  24. Network (1976) Director: Sidney Lumet

  25. Star Wars (1977) Director: George Lucas

  26. Apocalypse Now (1979) Director: Francis Ford Coppola

  27. Dog Day Afternoon (1975) Director: Sidney Lumet

  28. The Deer Hunter (1978) Director: Michael Cimino

  29. Rocky (1976) Director: John G. Avildsen

  30. Pulp Fiction (1994) Director: Quentin Tarantino

  31. The Social Network (2010) Director: David Fincher

  32. The Big Lebowski (1998) Directors: Joel and Ethan Coen

  33. Once Upon A Time In Hollywood (2019) Director: Quentin Tarantino

  34. When Harry Met Sally (1989) Director: Rob Reiner

  35. Clerks (1993) Director: Kevin Smith

  36. Do The Right Thing (1989) Director: Spike Lee

  37. Dazed and Confused (1993) Director: Richard Linklater

  38. Fight Club (1999) Director: David Fincher

  39. Office Space (1999) Director: Mike Judge

  40. Citizen Kane (1941) Director: Orson Welles

  41. Rear Window (1954) Director: Alfred Hitchcock

  42. North by Northwest (1959) Director: Alfred Hitchcock

  43. Singin’ in the Rain (1952) Directors: Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen

  44. The Shining (1980) Director: Stanley Kubrick

  45. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) Director: Stanley Kubrick

  46. Casablanca (1942) Director: Michael Curtiz

  47. The Graduate (1967) Director: Mike Nichols

  48. Gone With The Wind (1939) Director: Victor Fleming

  49. Chef (2014) Director: Jon Favreau

  50. La La Land (2016) Director: Damien Chazelle

  51. Drive (2011) Director: Nicholas Winding Refn

  52. Catch Me If You Can (2002) Director: Steven Spielberg

  53. Across The Universe (2007) Director: Julie Taymor

  54. Baby Driver (2017) Director: Edgar Wright

  55. The Shawshank Redemption (1994) Director: Frank Darabont

  56. The Searchers (1956) Director: John Ford

  57. There Will Be Blood (2007) Director: Paul Thomas Anderson

  58. Up (2009) Director: Pete Docter

  59. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) Directors: David Hand, Ben Sharpsteen, Wilfred Jackson, Perce Pearce, Larry Morey, William Cottrell

  60. Fantasia (1940) Directors: Samuel Armstrong, James Algar, Bill Roberts, Paul Satterfield, Ben Sharpsteen, David D. Hand, Hamilton Luske, Jim Handley, Ford Beebe, T. Hee, Norman Ferguson, Wilfred Jackson

  61. Ed Wood (1994) Director: Tim Burton

  62. Lady Bird (2017) Director: Greta Gerwig

  63. Yellow Submarine (1968) Director: George Dunning

  64. Spirited Away (2001) Director: Hayao Miyazaki

  65. Chinatown (1974) Director: Roman Polanski

  66. The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) Director: Wes Anderson

  67. Blue Velvet (1986) Director: David Lynch

  68. Toy Story (1995) Director: John Lasseter

  69. Alien (1979) Director: Ridley Scott

  70. The Evil Dead (1981) Director: Sam Raimi

  71. Logan (2017) Director: James Mangold

  72. The Dark Knight (2008) Director: Christopher Nolan

  73. The Marvel Cinematic Universe (2008 to present) Directors: Jon Favreau, Louis Leterrier, Kenneth Branagh, Joe Johnston, Joss Whedon, Shane Black, Alan Taylor, Anthony and Joe Russo, James Gunn, Peyton Reed, Scott Derrickson, Jon Watts, Taika Waititi, Ryan Coogler, Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck, Cate Shortland, Destin Daniel Cretton, Chloé Zhao, Sam Raimi and Nia DaCosta

  74. Hereditary (2018) Director: Ari Aster

  75. The Silence of the Lambs (1991) Director: Jonathan Demme

  76. Get Out (2017) Director: Jordan Peele

  77. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly (1966) Director: Sergio Leone

  78. Monty Python and The Holy Grail (1975) Directors: Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones

  79. Annie Hall (1977) Director: Woody Allen

  80. No Country For Old Men (2007) Directors: Joel and Ethan Coen

  81. Zodiac (2007) Director: David Fincher

  82. Sunset Boulevard (1950) Director: Billy Wilder

  83. Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961) Director: Blake Edwards

  84. The Wizard of Oz (1939) Director: Victor Fleming

  85. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) Director: Steven Spielberg

  86. Say Anything (1989) Director: Cameron Crowe

  87. Amadeus (1984) Director: Milos Forman

  88. Booksmart (2019) Director: Olivia Wilde

  89. Superbad (2007) Director: Greg Mottola

  90. Raging Bull (1980) Director: Martin Scorsese

  91. The Breakfast Club (1985) Director: John Hughes

  92. Psycho (1960) Director: Alfred Hitchcock

  93. Knives Out (2019) Director: Rian Johnson

  94. Almost Famous (2000) Director: Cameron Crowe

  95. Malcolm X (1992) Director: Spike Lee

  96. Mary Poppins (1964) Director: Robert Stevenson

  97. The Big Chill (1983) Director: Lawrence Kasdan

  98. Goodfellas (1990) Director: Martin Scorsese

  99. Marriage Story (2019) Director: Noah Baumbach

  100. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986) Director: John Hughes